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Please think about the meaning of the following song. Find the lyrics for a song from your own collection (or internet), and bring them to the next class. Share it with a partner.
Don't forget to bring your lyrics to class.
***Worried Life Blues lyrics*** B.B.King and Eric Clapton, Riding with the King
Oh lordy lord, oh lordy lord.
It ............ me so bad for us to part.
But someday baby,
I .......... gonna worry my life any more.
So many nights since you've been ...............
I've had to worry, and ............ my life alone.
Yeah, but someday baby,
I ............ gonna worry my life any more.
So many days since you .................
I've had to worry both ........... and ............
Yeah, but someday baby,
I ............. gonna worry my life any more.
You're on my ........... every place I go.
How much I love you, nobody know.
Yeah, someday baby,
I ........... gonna worry my life any more.
So that's my ........... and this is all I've got to say to you:
Goodbye, baby, I don't ........... what you do.
but someday baby,
I ........... gonna worry my life any more.
Oh lordy lord, oh lordy lord.
It ........... me so bad for us to part.
but someday baby,
I ........... gonna worry my life any more.